July 5, 2005

Amended and Approved July 25, 2005




Present: Michael Baskin, David DePree (Co-Chairperson), Craig Edwards, David Gordon, Bob Levin, Marcia Liebman, Melissa Mills, Joel Tran


Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by David DePree.


Information presented at the June 27th meeting by Town Administrator Ben Puritz was reiterated for clarification: The RFP needs to be sent out to at least 3 potential respondents, but if only 2 respond, that is acceptable.


Tran presented final version of the RFP for an RFP consultant to work with the committee and the already hired design consultant. Baskin/Gordon moved to accept the RFP as amended and to offer it to three or more potential respondents; motion carried unanimously. (Steven Crane, who met with the committee on June 6th, and Larry Koff, who will be meeting with the committee on July 18th, have already expressed interest.)


Liebman presented preliminary information as given by Eric Hooper at the June 27th Board of Health Joint Meeting with all concerned with town center development. Perk tests are consistent throughout the property and with previous tests done over the years: high for the first 80 inches (2 minutes/inch), then slower (24 minutes/inches at 82 inch depth). This is OK, but ideally there would be less disparity, as this means there will be some sudden spreading of fluid when the changes in perk capacity are met. More information to follow.


Next meeting: Monday, July 18th at 7:30 pm in the Cynthia B. Fox Community Room of the Sharon Public Library (enter library via High Street entrance).


Baskin/Mills moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 pm; motion carried unanimously.



                                                                        Respectfully submitted,


                                                                        Marcia C. Liebman